[de]“Yunus Emre, der im Anatolien des 13. Jahrhunderts lebte und wie Mevlana, Hacı Bektaş Veli und Nasreddin Hoca zu den wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten der türkisch-muslimischen und türkisch-sufischen Geschichte, der türkischen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte gehört, war ein türkischer Sufi-Dichter.
(…) Obwohl sie alle vor 700 Jahren lebten, konnten sie ihre Botschaften jahrhundertelang bis zum heutigen Tage übermitteln, und selbst im 21. Jahrhundert leben sie mit ihren Gedichten, Gedanken und Geschichten, die von Liebe, Frieden und Toleranz handeln, im Herzen der Türken weiter. (…) Wenn im Osmanischen Reich die Menschen ihre Rechte verteidigen und ihre Sprachen und Religionen bewahren konnten, so hatten Yunus Emre, Mevlana und Hacı Bektaş ihren großen Anteil daran. Man kann sagen, dass das „Bindemittel“ dieser Friedensregion das Wort Mevlanas: „Egal was du auch bist, komme dennoch“ und der Ruf des Yunus: „Kommt und lasset uns einander kennenlernen“ ist. Wir glauben, dass ihre Gedanken zur Verwirklichung von Liebe, Frieden und Brüderlichkeit auch heute wegweisend wären, wenn sie Gehör fänden. (…) Es gab viele Dichter, die unter dem Namen des Yunus in seinem Stil gedichtet haben, und noch heute kennt jeder Türke mindestens ein Gedicht von Yunus. „In jedem Augenblick werden wir neu geboren, wer soll sich denn an uns langweilen?“ ruft er seit 700 Jahren frisch unserem Volk, ja sogar der ganzen Menschheit zu. (…)“ (Quelle: Professorin Dr. Gülgün Yazıcı aus dem Buch „Die islamischen Wissenschaften aus Sicht muslimischer Theologen“)
Nazım Hikmet wurde 1902 in Thessaloniki als Sohn eines Beamten des Außenministeriums geboren. (…) Er wuchs vor allem bei seinem Großvater, der Gouverneur des Sultans war, in Aleppo und später Diyarbakır auf. Seine Familie bot ihm reichlich intellektuelle Anregungen und er schrieb mit 11 Jahren sein erstes Gedicht (Schrei der Heimat). In Moskau studierte Nazım Hikmet, Soziologie und Kunstgeschichte an der Kommunistischen Universität der Werktätigen des Ostens und hatte in der Folge immer wieder unter Publikationsverboten und Inhaftierungen in seiner Heimat zu leiden. Trotz aller Repressalien blieb er bis zum Ende seines Lebens ungebrochen künstlerisch produktiv. Nazım Hikmet hat es trotz Verfolgung, Publikationsverbot und Exil geschafft, die türkische Literatur nachhaltig zu prägen. Dazu gehört es, dass er die osmanische Versform überwindet und vielfältige (vor allem sowjetische) Einflüsse der Moderne aufnimmt. Dabei drückt er neben einem sozialrevolutionären Pathos immer auch eine Heimatverbundenheit mit dem einfachen Volk und zugleich eine Ablehnung jedes romantisierenden Orientalismus aus. (Quelle: Wikipedia)
Dem Pop Musical „Von Yunus zu Nazım“ liegt die gleiche Thematik und Zielsetzung zugrunde wie der gleichnamigen Kantate sowie der Kammeroper “ Sah Hände, die Rosen banden“. Im Unterschied zur konzertanten Aufführungspraxis der Kantate und zur reduzierten Besetzung in der Kammeroper vereint das Musical die Opulenz der orchestralen Klangwelt mit szenischer Darstellung und Tanz im Großformat. Damit entfaltet sich die Wirkung der Musik in einem eindrucksvollen Spektakel für Augen und Ohren.
Komposition, Bearbeitung & Solist: Hasan Yükselir
Regisseur: Prof. Dr. Nurhan Karadağ
Produktion-Koordinator: Asuman Erbay
Lyrik: Belgin Kardeşler
Orchester: Staatssymponieorchester Ankara
Choreografie: Mustafa Sekmen
Dirigent: Kemal Günüç
Tänzer: HOY-TUR
Chor: Yunus Korosu
Schirmherrschaft: Bürgermeister/Ankara: Murat Karayalçın [/de]
“Yunus Emre, was a Turkish Sufi-Poet that lived in Anatolia in the 13th century. He belongs to the group of most important personalities of the Turkish-Muslim and Turkish-Sufician History of culture and literature, just like Mevlana, Hacı Bektaş Veli and Nasreddin Hoca. (…) Although they lived among us over 7oo years ago, they were still able to deliver their messages until the present times. Even in the 21st century, they still live on in the hearts of the Turkish community through their poems, thoughts, and stories based on love, peace, and tolerance. (…) Yunus Emre, Mevlan and Haci Bektas played a huge part in preserving their language, religion and rights throughout the Osmanian Kingdom. One can say that the glue that held peace together in this region was Mevelans word: “No matter what you are, come along” and the calling of Yunus: “ Let us all learn about one another”. We believe that their belief in their thoughts being able to realize love, peace, and brotherhood played a main part in giving direction when their callings and words were heard by the people. (…) There have been many poets over the years that wrote poetry in the style of Yunus, but even today every Turk knows at least one poem by Yunus. “In every minuet we are reborn, who is to get bored by us?” is his calling to our people and even the entire world, for over 700 years. (…)” (Source: Professorin Dr. Gülgün Yazıcı out of the book “Die islamischen Wissenschaften aus Sicht muslimischer Theologen”)
Nazım Hikmet was born in 1902 in Thessaloniki as the son of a Diplomat of the foreign ministry. (…) Most of his childhood, he grew up in Aleppo and later in Diyarbakir by his grandfather who was Governor of the Sultan. His family gave his intelligence lots of nurturing which he used to write his first poem at the age of 11 (Cry of the Homeland). He studied Sociology and Short Stories at the Communistic University of the working people of the East and therefore continuously was forbidden to publicize his work and was imprisoned. All the political hardships he faced could not stop his artistic productivity until his death. Nazım Hikmet was able to mold Turkish literature despite being followed by the state, exile and not being able to publicize his work. A major part in this played the fact, that he took the old Osmania verse form and combined it with a broader and more modern form (mainly Russian). In this new verse form, he expresses his solidarity with the simple people of his homeland while still demonstrating a rejection against the romantic side of the orient. (Source: Wikipedia)
The pop musical “From Yunus to Nazım” underlies the same theme and goal as do the cantata in the same name and the Chamber music opera ”Saw Hands that bundled Roses in Dark Soil”. The difference between the three lies in the fact that the cantata is like a concert and the chamber music opera a reduced version of everything. The musical combines the overwhelming orchestral sounds with an amazing scenic performance, dance and a huge dimension of everything on stage. This way, the music develops its own amazing symbiosis for eyes and ears.
Composer-Solo Artist: Hasan Yükselir
Director: Prof. Dr. Nurhan Karadağ
Production Coordinator: Asuman Erbay
Lyric: Belgin Kardeşler
Orchestra: Staatssymponieorchester Ankara
Choreography: Mustafa Sekmen
Conductor: Kemal Günüç
Dance: HOY-TUR
Choir: Yunus Korosu
Proctorate: Murat Karayalçın (Major of Ankara)[/en]
Yapımcılığını Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin üstlendiği, değişik renkler taşıyan bıı gösterinin müziğini Hasan Yükselir yazmış, Prof. Dr. Nurhan Karadağ da yönetmenliğini yapmıştır.
Yunus’tan Nazım’a, müzik ve dans gibi sanatsal öğeleri birleştirdiği için, kollektif bir sanatsal çalışmayı gerektirmiş, iki bölümlük bu pop müzikalin metnini Belgin Kardeşler, koreografîsini Mustafa Sekmen, orkestra yönetmenliğini Kemal Günüç, dansları Hoy-Tur gerçekleştirmiştir.
Yapım koordinatörlüğünü Asuman Erbay’ın yükümlendiği prodüksüyonda, Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kent Orkestrası ile CSO’dan gelen üyeler yer almıştır. Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesinin “Yunus Korosu” adlı vokal topluluğu da yapıma katılarak gösterinin geniş soluklu bir yaşam gücü kazanmasını sağlamıştır.
Günümüz toplumu için de geçerli olan bu felsefenin savunucusu ozanların dizeleriyle var olan bir gösteridir bu. Daha önce yine Hasan Yükselir’in bestelediği ve Nurhan Karadağ’ın sahnelediği “Yunusça Ezgiler” adlı gösterinin başarı kazanması, daha geniş bir yapımı oluşturmaya yönelik çalışmalara hız kazandırmış ve “Yunus’tan Nazım’a” adlı bu çok yönlü sanatsal çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Bu eser ile Efes Festivali, 9. Ankara Müzik Festivali ve Mersin Festivali’ne katıldı.
Beste, Düzenleme ve Solist: HASAN YÜKSELİR
Genel Yönetmen: Prof. Dr. NURHAN KARADAĞ
Danslar: HOY-TUR
Orkestra Şefi: KEMAL GÜNÜÇ
Yapım Koordinatörü: ASUMAN ERBAY
Koro: YUNUS KOROSU [/tr]